Google Page One

FREE Search Engine Optimisation


Having a wonderful website is great but if no one can find it then it is useless. So how do you get your website on page one of Google without spending £1000′s and £1000′s.

There are many ways to achieve page one success with Google but the most important thing to consider is that Google is looking for quality content and this is something you are in control over

A decent search engine optimisation will be able to achieve great results for SEO projects providing the website content is unique and written in a clear manner.

Everything is important in SEO even the filenames used for your pictures on the website. Remember that the Google robot cannot see the image itself on a page but can read the filename and the ALT tag telling the Google robot what the image is about.

Take a look at what Google shows in Google images.


Search “SEO” and look at the images you find for the term SEO and look for this image. This image is displayed here because on the webpage of Chameleon it is in an area mentioning SEO a lot. Google thinks this image must be about SEO. Simple really.